Isovist agents can be added singularly by the user, but can also be added automatically en-masse to a space to generate agent exploration trails. To do so:
- Set up a drawing and open the isovist analysis menu as normal.
- Select ‘Isovist Agents’ from the dropdown at the top of the Isovist analysis menu.
- Switch on the required isovist spatial types for analysis (i.e. Accessible, Visible, Reflected or Spectral) in the isovist analysis menu.
- Set any preferred isovist parameters (i.e. sweep, direction, or rims) in the isovist analysis menu.
- Select ‘show/hide massed agent trials’ from the ‘isovist agent overlays’ option. A series of developing trail lines should subsequently appear on screen.
- To increase or decrease the numbers of agents released, edit the slider provided.
- To view a field of the intensity of space seen by the agent explorations, select the ‘show/hide massed agent visibility’ from the ‘isovist agent overlays’ option. A gradually changing spectra field should subsequently appear on screen.
Below: Recording agent trails