Changes in 2.4.9 [ 01_02_24 ]

– Extension of licence to September 2024
– Addition of spatial wobble metrics of mean variation, standard deviation variation, and coefficient of variation, and live plots of wobble characteristics
– Addition of time-to-contact array overlay
– Addition of motor containment metric
– Fix to point isovist positioning to allow floating point precision
– Addition of basic image import of plans
– Fix to allow selection of isovist cascade location whilst in 3d view

Changes in 2.4.8 [ 23_06_22 ]

– Minor bug fix to export of isovist point data csv file
– Fix to occasional bug in depth search algorithm when linkers enabled

Changes in 2.4.7 [ 01_05_22 ]

– Minor bug fixes
– Extension of licence to 01/09/2022

Changes in 2.4.6 [ 01_02_22 ]

– Re-enabled Minkowski models
– Re-enabled Threshold finder
– Resolution of crash on intel gpu chips (finally!!)
– Extension of licence to 01/05/2022
– Resolution of performance issues and minor bugs
– Press X and then use numbers 1, 3, 6, 9 & 0 for a hidden treat

2.4.5 [ 01_11_21 ]

– Complete rework of core calculation engines for local and visual depth measures
– Accelerated performance for complex urban footprints
– Accuracy of local measures increased
– Memory improvements on loading and closing drawing tabs
– Resolution of minor bugs generally

2.4.3 [ 06_04_21 ]

– Addition of isovist measure roses
– Control field renamed Overt Control and unitised
– Addition of Closed Perimeter, Co-visibility, Covert Control, and Counterpoint fields
– Removal of Curvature and Controllability fields
– Improvement of loading costs for lower memory GPU sets
– Resolution of minor bugs generally

2.4.2 [ 01_02_21 ]

– Licence extended until April 2021

2.4.1 [ 29_11_20 ]

– Licence extended until Feb 2021
– Resolution of minor bugs on comparison chart switching

2.4.0 [ 23_10_20 ]

– Major version release
– Complete re-write of core calculation algorithms
– Layer support added for dxf dwg import
– Resolution of numerous minor bugs on field tab switching etc
– Improvement of GUI operation and appearance

2.3.9 [ 01_08_20 ]

– General fixes in line with User Guide re-write 
– Version extended until 01/12/2020

2.3.8 [ 23_06_20 ]

– Internal horizon added to isovist generation
– Choice measure enabled across multiple floors
– Edits to occlusivity calculation to improve fidelity
– Addition of local spatial curvature measure
– General bug fixes
– Version extended until 01/09/2020

2.3.7 [ 14_03_20 ]

– Version extended to August 2020
– General bug fixes

2.3.6 [ 02_02_20 ]

– ‘Contact us’ option enabled
– ‘Choice’ measure enabled
– Point isovist location import and data export enabled
– Fix to bugs on isovist agent trails and heat maps
– Delete button allows removal of point isovists
– Fix to bugs on Metric and Angular depth searches in some plans
– Improvements to absolute value overlay
– General bug fixes

2.3.5 [ 14_12_19 ]

– Minkowski model calculations and exports enabled
– Fix to bugs on Path analysis calculations 
– General bug fixes

2.3.4 [ 15_11_19 ]

– Massed agent trails enabled
– Massed agent visibility enabled
– Fix to depth to point requests
– General bug fixes

2.3.3 [ 19_10_19 ]

– Redesign of window mode control bar
– Fix to linkers bug on visual depth calculations
– Fix to data export (x,y) coordinate values
– Improvement of partitions calculations 
– Fix to flux calculations

2.3.2 [ 01_10_19 ]

– Major rework of calculation engine to replace openCl with openGl basis
– Addition of basic/advanced field calculation option
– Refinement of drift, variance and skewness definitions/calculations
– Addition of point isovist data dialogue option
– Reduction of runtime memory overheads
– Refinement of absolute value overlays to match scale information
– Code structure tidy up

2.3.1 [ 01_08_19 ]

– Licence extended until 01/10/19

2.3.0 [ 01_07_19 ]

– Licence extended until 01/10/19- Improvements to menu sizing on high resolution screens
– Improvements to startup reliability on PC
– Improvements to graphics memory use on PC
– Fix to crash on comparative analysis mode on PC
– Improvements to calculations of spatial partitions overlay
– Improvements to image export functions
– Multiple path chart value overlays enabled
– Debugging .txt file record enabled
– Visibility renamed to directed visibility
– Integration and mean visual depth overlay and chart values re-enabled

2.2.6 [ 01_06_19 ]

– Occasional crash on import fixed
– Licence extended until 01/08/19

2.2.5 [ 24_04_19 ]

– Threading memory use improvements
– Optimal path overlays enabled
– Minimal set searching enabled
– Drift field vectors amended to reflect true drift headings
– Fix to occasional error on dwg and dxf block imports
– Fix to crash on super high resolution screens
– Fix to partition calculation error
– Fix to display of 3D mean visual depth and integration fields

2.2.4 [ 25_03_19 ]

– Dxf and Dwg block import now supported
– Fix to absolute value overlay errors
– Licence extended to 01/05/2019

2.2.3 [ 18_03_19 ]

– Dxf and Dwg import support
– Optimised plan drawing functions
– Fix to rare isovist geometry errors

2.2.2 [ 11_02_19 ]

– Improved import and flood sampling processes
– Optimised integration and step depth calculations
– Addition of record and export of step depths
– Fix to occasional crash on plan load and resampling
– Fix to rare isovist geometry errors

2.2.1 [ 03_02_19 ]

– Fix for crashes on import and tab switching when isovists are displayed
– Fix for step depth crossover between tabs when switching tabs
– Fix for crash of scan progress /scan blackout on tab switching
– Fix for y-axis inversion of CSV data
– Fix for isovist geometry errors due to infinite line segments in some plans
– Fix for spectrum in zero value regions in mean metric depth and mean angular depth scans

2.2.0 [ 21_12_18 ]

– Major reworking of all plan import and optimisation processes
– Integration, Mean Visual Depth, and Visual Depth to location analysis algorithms rewritten to operate via geometric isovist methods
– Accuracy and definition of Angular depth algorithms increased
– Inter-visibility analysis via histogram overlay now included

2.1.10 [ 07_11_18 ]

– RRA calculation inverted to align integration values with DepthMap
– Integration D-value related to drawing scale bar to allow cross plan comparisons
– User mouse scroll sensitivity option added to set menu
– Ability to select and drag copy linkers added using control button

2.1.9 [ 22_10_18 ]

– version licence extended until 01/01/19
– added 3d field ‘landscape’ representations in plan space
– added undo delete option to line drawing tools
– aligned isovist heading to path direction on path analysis
– improved legibility of absolute values overlay
– prevented escape button causing app shut-down
– fixed depth to location error on tab switching
– improved allocation of spatial linker tools
– improved plan resampling fidelity
– improved csv export stability on PC
– improved isovist file save stability on PC

2.1.8 [ 06_09_18 ]

– version licence extended until 01/11/18
– fixed occasional bug on global field calculation on MacBook Air models

2.1.7 [ 17_07_18 ]

– scan edge expanded from plan import edge
– scan edge removed from scan field results
– plan import fixed to allow group names in upper or lower case
– maximum number of plan linkers increased to 128
– comparison charts click-drag spin enabled
– minor bug on spatial comparisons display resolved
– absolute point data values enabled as overlay option
– calculation enabled on iris generation intel gpu chip sets
– resolution of visibility, control and controllability calculations improved
– stability when switching between tabs on PC improved
– stability of export and save functions on PC improved
– minor memory efficiency improvements

2.1.6 [ 30_06_18 ]

– image export updated to provide high resolution and vector line pdfs
– pc stability increased
– crash on micro sampling resolved
– minor calculation speed improvements

2.1.5 [ 28_05_18 ]

– drawing menu containing plan edit tools added
– scan setup tools relocated to drawing menu
– user defined scale added to drawing menu
– loading blinker set to fade
– heading arrows included for isovists with a sweep of less than 180 degrees
– circular horizon added to visibility scans
– scan region selection optimised
– scan resolution set to require scan region re-selection by user
– integration HH slider set to logarithmic scale
– angular step depth maximal value range increased
– local and global scan functions optimised
– sweep and heading bug fixed for isovist scans with a sweep of less than 180 degrees
– escape button crash fixed
– occasional save crash bugs reduced

2.1.4 [ 15_05_18 ]

– regional isovist calculation tool added
– angular depth and angular mean depth added
– control and controllability measures improved
– zoom inversion fixed
– pan tool added
– file naming dialogue added

2.1.3 [ 04_05_18 ]

– control and controllability measures now included
– spectrum fade out at minima option added
– occasional rare isovist calculation errors debugged

2.1.2 [ 30_04_18 ]

– isovist visibility scanning now included
– integration (HH) now included
– plan segment downsampling improved
– user added segments now affect scan base choice
– user menu rearranged and rationalised
– error on link propagation fixed
– error on link restoring from second tab fixed
– error on .isovist file load fixed
– hang error on exit fixed

2.1.1 [ 13_04_18 ]

– option to turn off plan added
– tiff export at full analysis resolution enabled
– spatial links improved
– tab switching improved
– underlying search data structures refined to improve efficiency and speed

2.1.0 [ 30_03_18 ]

– path analysis chart tools added
– variance, skew and average radial measures added
– occlusion measure redefined to increase accuracy
– scans updated to include restricted and directed isovist settings
– grayscale and colour invert settings included for scans
– scan radial resolution setting added
– ‘persistent threshold’ calculation and overlay added
– isovist radial display option included
– isovist agents provided with ‘body’ visibility
– changes to .isovist file format

2.0.9 [ 05_03_18 ]

– occlusivity and compactness measures refined to improve fidelity in urban figure grounds
– edit to scan region selection to improve selection in urban figure grounds
– fix to scatter plot setup to account for high value spreads
– fix to minor spectrum slider update error

2.0.8 [ 25_02_18 ]

– major revision to allow multiple scans to be opened simultaneously
– major revision to include .isovist and .isospect file formats to allow scan or spectrum saving and reopening
– threading of file open/close processes
– fix to PC file extension errors to include default formats of .tiff, .csv, etc
– inclusion of 3d scatter charts in comparisons analysis
– fix to some long plan segment recalculations on scan resolution resizing

2.0.7 [ 19_01_18 ]

– addition of ‘annotations’ overlay layer to plan import and display
– improvement of import optimisation functions
– review and improvement of reflection geometry calculations

2.0.6 [ 14_01_18 ]

– mouse selection of step depth to location calculations enabled
– visual step depth to location max-min and averages implemented

2.0.5 [ 09_01_18 ]

– comparison charts re-enabled

2.0.4 [ 07_01_18 ]

– inclusion of all solid walls within scan when visible space is activated
– refinement of ‘viewed depth’ calculations
– some optimisation of scan calculations on mac version
– debugging of mouse zoom input

2.0.3 [ 28_12_17 ]

– implementation of isovist horizons within scan measures
– implementation of ‘viewed depth’ and ‘view depth’ as sub-category of visibility global measures
– minor variation to lower end of blue/black spectrum

2.0.2 [ 20_12_17 ]

– implementation of user defined resolution settings
– optimisation of import plans to suit defined resolution
– inclusion of refined spectrum thresholding
– fix to allow reset of scan on selection of visible/reflected space draw settings

2.0.1 [ 09_12_17 ]

– inclusion of ‘visibility’ global depth measures to scan analysis
– solution to bug that caused a crash on detection of mal-formed segments in an imported plan
– inclusion of full screen/window switching based on user feedback
– inclusion of summary visual depth statistics based on user feedback
– minor change to spectrum mix; darker tone at blue end

2.0.0 [ 01_12_17 ]

– major upgrade release
– adoption of OpenCl standard methods for all scan analysis
– inclusion of ‘accessibility’ global depth measures to scan analysis
– revision, review and restructure of all user interface issues
– reworking of all import processes to improve reliability
– reworking of numeric export standards to align to DepthMap
– expansion of scan spectrum options

1.0.3 [ 02_10_17 ]

– revision of field spectrums to include low values as fade to black

1.0.2 [ 31_07_17 ]

– revision of import options to simplify import process

1.0.1 [ 12_07_17 ]

– fix to exports to correct errors in data formatting and values
– fix to isovist calculations to improve fidelity of geometries relative to small line fragments

1.0.0  [ 06_07_17 ]

– initial public release